Incoming Assistant Professor, Yale CS
Postdoctoral Researcher, Microsoft Research
Postdoctoral Affiliate, Stanford
afedercooper [AT] gmail [DOT] com || acoo [AT] microsoft [DOT] com
My contributions span uncertainty estimation, privacy and security of generative-AI systems, distributed training, hyperparameter optimization, and model selection.
I also do work in tech policy and law, and spend a lot of time finding ways to effectively communicate the capabilities and limits of AI/ML to interdisciplinary audiences and the public.
In the past I interned at Microsoft Research and at Google Research, and was named a "Rising Star in EECS" by MIT.
My doctoral work was generously supported by the John T. and Catherine D. MacArthur Foundation through AIPP.
Prior to my research career, I worked for several years as a software engineer at companies both (really) big and (really) small. I specialized in designing, building, and monitoring large-scale backend data-processing systems.
(I am not recruiting students for Fall 2025 -- my appointment at Yale starts in 2026.)
A. Feder Cooper*, Katherine Lee*, and James Grimmelmann*. "Talkin’ ‘Bout AI Generation: Copyright and the Generative-AI Supply Chain." Journal of the Copyright Society, 2024. [ssrn | arxiv | journal] Journal
Nicholas Carlini, Daniel Paleka, Krishnamurthy Dj Dvijotham, Thomas Steinke, Jonathan Hayase, A. Feder Cooper et al. "Stealing Part of a Production Language Model." ICML 2024. [arxiv | proceedings] ProceedingsBest Paper Award
A. Feder Cooper et al. "Arbitrariness and Social Prediction: The Confounding Role of Variance in Fair Classification." AAAI 2024. [arxiv | proceedings] ProceedingsBest Student Paper Honorable Mention
Aaron Gokaslan, A. Feder Cooper et al. "CommonCanvas: Open Diffusion Models Trained on Creative-Commons Images." CVPR 2024. [arxiv | proceedings] Proceedings
Milad Nasr*, Nicholas Carlini*, Jonathan Hayase, Matthew Jagielski, A. Feder Cooper, et al. "Scalable Extraction of Training Data from (Production) Language Models." 2023. [arxiv] arXiv
A. Feder Cooper*, Wentao Guo*, Khiem Pham* et al. "Coordinating Distributed Example Orders for Provably Accelerated Training." NeurIPS 2023. [arxiv | proceedings] Proceedings
A. Feder Cooper*, Emanuel Moss* et al. "Accountability in an Algorithmic Society: Relationality, Responsibility, and Robustness in Machine Learning." FAccT 2022. [arxiv | proceedings] Proceedings
A. Feder Cooper et al. "Hyperparameter Optimization Is Deceiving Us, and How to Stop It." NeurIPS 2021. [arxiv | proceedings] Proceedings